According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are several fast-growing occupations requiring only an Associates Degree, vocational training, or on the job training that offer moderate to high earning potential. We researched these jobs and developed a list of the highest paying jobs in this category, all of which will experience double — digit growth in the coming years.
1) Environmental Science and Protection Technicians
2) Skin Care Specialists
3) Gaming-Surveillance Officers and Gaming Investigators
4) Dental Assistants
5) Dental Hygienists
More details:
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Top 5 Fast-Growing, High-Paying Jobs that Bachelor's Degree Not Required
Saturday, August 30, 2008
15% off for early bird registration of MBA course
Manchester Business School Worldwide have offered MBA programmes in Singapore since 1992 in partnership with the Institute of Banking and Finance. Such was the demand that MBS Worldwide decided to launch our own centre in Singapore in June 1999. The centre was started by Mr Gabriel Lee and is now headed by Bee Ing Lim. Although Singapore is a relatively small island, 699 square km in size with a population of about 4.4 million, it is widely recognised as very much the gateway to Asia. Singapore is a thriving metropolis with a robust economy, a centre of commerce and industry and a major financial centre in Asia with more than 130 banks.Amongst many other initiatives, the Singapore government has been building the island as an education hub in Asia with the vision of turning it into a global schoolhouse. The centre is currently located at 1 Phillip Street, #07-00, right in the heart of the banking and finance district in Raffles Place. The centre was previously located at the then Pidemco Centre at South Bridge Road, however due to the growing demand of MBS Worldwide part-time blended learning MBA programmes a bigger executive centre was needed, the centre now supports nearly 500 students and houses two teaching rooms, a resource room and is managed by a dedicated team of support staff.
To register:
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Friday, August 29, 2008
Win $150! Share your love for JobsCentral with your friends!
Refer 5 friends to JobsCentral and stand a chance to win S$150! The JobsCentral referral campaign is back with a sexier name - Share the Love! Love JobsCentral? Simply refer 5 friends, tell them why you love JobsCentral, and the most innovative entry wins you $150! A quarterly draw will be conducted, stay tuned to find out if you have won! Click here to refer: you know that JobsCentral has thousands of new jobs available monthly? If you are in the market for a new job, get started by building your resume and applying for the many great job available on JobsCentral. Even if you are already employed, register with our job alert agent and keep yourself appraised of opportunities that may arise. More than 1000 employers are hiring on JobsCentral, including most ministries, GLCs, MNCs and numerous SMEs. Current employers include top-notch brand names like Singtel, Hitachi, SGX, CPF board, HSBC, DBS, Loreal, Diethelm Singapore, Shell Petroleum, Meritus Mandarin, DSTA … and many more!
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Join the JobsCentral Community Forum and win a Sony PSP
Would you like to:
- Complain about bosses from hell?
- Know if you should quit your job?
- Find tips on how to get a job?
Do all that and more on the JobsCentral Community Forum!
Share your experiences by registering an account today!
An ideal platform for you to exchange information with working professionals and jobseekers, the JobsCentral Community Forum allows you to contribute and view comments about careers, education, gossip and more!
Are you already posting on the JobsCentral Community Forum? If you are, then tell all your friends about it! Simply refer 3 friends to the Forum and stand to win a Sony PSP! A lucky draw will be conducted at the end of September, so startspreading the buzz now!
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008
One World International School in Singapore
At One World International School, students are provided with a solid academic foundation along with a rich overlay of co-curricular activities promoting leadership, world citizenship, values and ethics. At One World, they firmly believe that every child is special and has the potential to become a talented and extraordinary individual. The School employs an active inquiry-based methodology to engage the inquisitive nature of young minds, providing students with an opportunity for observation, questioning and experimentation.
Outstanding teaching staff with a higher than average teacher to student ratio of 1:20
Our commitment to support a variety of foreign languages such as German, French, Korean, Japanese and Mandarin
Safe, secure campus with close access to Expressways reducing travel time to school
Opening with ages 3-11, providing higher degree of attention and care Secondary school to be phased in from 2009
696 Upper Changi Road East
Tel: 6542 2285, Fax: 6542 8602
Click here for more Education information
Submit your photo entry for "Love Your Job!" & win a Nikon DSLR D80!
If you don't already know yet, we've extended the closing date of our Photo contest to 29 August 2008...that's exactly 5 more days for you to submit your Photo entry that could win you a brand new Nikon DSLR D80 & a host of interesting prizes!
To qualify, simply describe & send us a picture of yourself at your workstation, in your office, together with your office mates or whatever portrays why you "Love Your Job!" Smile for the camera & submit your winning entry before this Friday, 29 August 2009! Participation is FREE OF CHARGE! You only need to be a member.Click here for more info.
1. Take a picture of yourself to show how much you love and
enjoy your job.
2. Submit a JPEG image saved with maximum quality compression file size of between 1 - 2 megabytes.
3. In less than 30 words tell us why you love your job. Sign off your caption with the words “Thanks,”
4. Fill in and submit your contest form with the attached image.
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Monday, August 25, 2008
Two funny letters
Happen to see these two letters between an employee with her boss, very funny, take a look at it. Very true.
One day an employee sends a letter to Her boss asking for an increase in her salary!!!
Dear Bo$$
In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of u$ worker$ who have given $o much $upport including $weat and $ervice to your company.
I am $ure you will gue$$ what I mean and re$pond $oon.
Your$ $incerely,
lILY $hih
The next day, the employee recieved this letter of reply:
Dear llLY
I kNOw you have been working very hard. NOwadays, NOthing much has changed. You must have NOticed that our company is NOt doing NOticeably well as yet.
NOw the newspaper are saying the world`s leading ecoNOmists are NOt sure if the United States may go into aNOther recession. After the NOvember presidential elections things may turn bad.
I have NOthing more to add NOw. You kNOw what I mean.
Yours truly,
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
Do you want increment?
I am sure many of us want increment. And take a look at these photos, exactly the same situation. We just like a little baby, then the HR and the boss use the increment and bonus to lure us to make us make harder. But at the end of the day............. take a look at the photo and you will get the answer.. ( can click to enlarge the photo, pay special attention to the baby face expressions) Very cute isn't it? But very true also. Many times the boss is the one that benefit most from your hardwork.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
Wage change for 2007
Amid the strong economic performance and tight labour market, total wages rose by a 7- year high of 5.9% in 2007, up from 4.5% in 2006. The total wage increase of 5.9% resulted from a basic wage gain of 4.3% and an increase in bonus payout (also known as annual variable component) from 2.18 months in 2006 to 2.36 months in 2007. The rise in annual variable component accounted for 2.3% point of the 5.9% total wage increase. The remaining 3.6% point came from the increase in basic wages, which accounted for 61% of the total wage gain in 2007, lower than 69% in 2006.Also suggest by the figure above, it appears that the larger the firm, the higher the wage adjustment. And the wage ajustment on 2007 is the highest among the past five years. Once again, the full report can be found at, but you can stick to my summary.
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Friday, August 22, 2008
The voice of everyone
Happen to see this interesting pray.....
Dear God, I beg you!
Give me the wisdom to understand my boss.
Give me the love to forgive him.
Give me teh patience to understand his deeds.
But.... take a look at the photo..... to continue...Very true, that is the voice of everyone
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
Salary of workers aged 35 – 39
Managers aged 35 – 39 continued to be the highest paid in the financial industry ($9,241) in June 2007, pulled up mainly by the high earners such as managing directors ($21,992) and general managers ($12,300). They were followed by managers in professional services ($7,600) and information & communications ($6,991). Those working in hotels & restaurants ($3,071) continued to have the lowest median monthly gross wage, weighed down by a large presence of restaurant managers who were paid less ($2,602).
Professional services ($5,228), transport & storage ($5,109) and administrative & support services ($6,886) were the top paymasters for professionals. The professionals in administrative & support services were mainly engaged as IT professionals such as computer & information systems managers ($8,550) and systems designers and analysts ($7,450).
Both associate professionals & technicians and clerical workers in the 35 – 39 age group were paid the highest in professional services with a median monthly gross wage of $3,260 and $2,460 respectively. On the other hand, clerical workers in construction ($1,500), hotels & restaurants ($1,650) and administrative & support services ($1,730) were among the lowest paid. The table above also show a 10 yrs comparison in the salary. Once again, the full report can be found at, but you can stick to my summary.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monthly Gross Wage by Occupational Group
Expectedly, many of the occupations with median monthly gross wage in the top 10% were from the managerial, professional, and associate professional & technician groups. Topping the list were specialised surgeons ($22,196), managing directors ($15,200), general surgeons ($13,781), general managers ($11,950) and commodities futures brokers ($10,693).
Occupations in the bottom 10% were paid a median gross wage ranging from around $700 to $1,350. Within this group, the better paying occupations were electronic equipment/component assemblers ($1,349), pest exterminators ($1,341), room steward/chambermaids ($1,325), private security guards ($1,278) and hospital attendants ($1,260). Cleaners, food & drink stall assistants, building painters, labourers & related workers were paid significantly lower at around $750 to $800.
So which group are you belong to? And are you in the lower or higher end of the range? Full report can be downloaded at
But I think is better for you to just read my summary.
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Monday, August 18, 2008
This is how to be concentration at work
Nowsaday, people are proposing open concept, i.e. everyone, sometimes including the boss, sit at cubicle. Low wall cubicle, basically you can see everyone, what they are doing by just standing up. In this case, you can easily get distracted when someone is walking around, talking to the phone, or chit chat. So what can you do, such that you can be concentrage on what you are doing? Maybe this guy here can give you a good idea.The mask help you to concentrate and give you privacy, so that you can read my blog during work as well :)
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Friday, August 15, 2008
How is the earning of an insurance agent?
Lets say for a medical insurance that cost you about $580 per annum, the comission that an insurance agent get is $150, for the first year, that is about 25% of your premium.
For the case of life insurance, the comission would be based on percentage, and that percentage will drops gradually over the years. For the first year, the comission can be as high as 80% if not more, and then 2nd and 3rd year still quite reasonable comission, and 4th and 5th get less. And the rest of the year nearly nothing.
So now you understand why it takes so long for your life insurance to get break even. And please have a good lunch and dinner from your agent if you are going to get a policy from him or her.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Most expensive cities in Asia
With Japan and Korea occupy the top 8 positions, Hong Kong rank number 9, and be 97 in the global (really? I doubt so, I think it should rank higher in global). Next 14 China cities rank in the range of 10 to 30, with Beijing and Shanghai be the top two cities among China.
Singapore rank 13 in Asia, and 114 in global. For Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur rank 35, and Johor Bahru and Penang right after it.
Singapore is getting more and more alike to Hong Kong, with expensive housing, large income gap. I wonder one day if all of us will be like Japan?
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
Financial freedom seminar by CPF Board
Financial responsibilities, when not managed well, could result in stress. Make a date with CPF on 16 August, Saturday, and hear from the experts on how you can break free from financial stress. Learn how to embrace changes leading to a positive mind and sound finances. Let this day be the start of a better tomorrow.
Hurry, register by 12 August (Tuesday) to qualify for the early bird promotion!
Read more details and register for the talk here. For further enquiries, please contact us at
Date: 16 August 2008
Time: 9am to 1pm (morning session)2pm to 6pm (afternoon session)
Venue: Singapore Management UniversityAdministration Building, Conference Hall 181 Victoria Street Singapore 188065
Early Bird Registration: By 12 August 2008(Early Bird Registration Fee: $8.00)
Normal Registration: 13 Aug 2008 - 15 August 2008 (Registration Fee: $10.00)
Click here for more Education information
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Complimentary seminar: "How To Build A Successful And Profitable Business Online"
Since 2003, Wealth Mentors, an education mentoring organization, has brought in world-class gurus like Millionaire Trader Mirriam MacWilliams, top persuasion guru Joel Bauer and America's leading internet marketing and traffic experts Derek Gehl, Alex Mandossian and Armand Morin to Asia.
These trainings have touched the lives of over 50,000 individuals in USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Indonesia, empowering them with skills to create a lifetime of infinite wealth and abundance, and helping them to move closer to their goals of true financial independence.
Key Benefits of Attending:
• Discover the 1 money-making business model to make your first profit in 90 days!
• The 5 critical issues one should know to operate a successful business online
• Avoid costly mistakes you might make
• How to source for profitable products to sell online
• Ways to find the greatest niche market where customers are eager to pay for your products
• Where to get swarms of highly-targeted traffic to your website in less than 48 hours
• Free & widely-available tools to run your business 24/7 and totally hands-free
Who Should Attend:
Anyone who wants to learn how to start an online business as an additional source of income
• If you don't have a website or product… You'll learn how to build a website from scratch in as little as 2 weeks for less than US$100… even if you have zero web design experience.
• If you already have a product, but not a website… You'll discover how to build websites that converts visitors into buyers.
Date: 16th August 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 10am to 12.30pm (Registration starts at 9.30am)
Location: Amara Hotel Level 3
165 Tanjong Pagar Road
Singapore 088539 (Tanjong Pagar MRT)
Register for this complimentary workshop in 2 easy ways:
1. Register at
2. Please call 6339 8266 (9am to 6pm; Mon-Fri)
* Limited to 3 seats per card member
Exclusive Gifts for Citibank Customers!
Click here for more Education information
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Life is too short for the wrong job
I read this slogan "Life is too short for the wrong job" on the poster of a job agency. It is very true, life is short, so never get into wrong job, the job that you dont like, and definitely not into the wrong company. Imagine we have 24 hours a day, we spend 1/3 of our time working, so pick the right job with the right company is important. Otherwise 2/3 of our time will be ruined by the wrong job or wrong commpany. Lets enjoy the scenario listed below if you pick the wrong job:All these posters look so real isn't it?
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Sales personel salary information
A friend of mine happen to look for a sales personel, the salary information is as follows:
$1500 (basic salary) + $400 (allowance for transport etc) + minimum $500 commission (commission can go as high as $1k to $2 k)
After 3 months probation may increase if performace is good.
Every 6 months will review perforamce and may give out incentives.
Personally I think sales is a good job, as it is more like a boss, you more hardworking, and better skill, then you earn more through the comission. And as you are closed contact with the clients, there is a higher chance for you to be in higher position as well. Also at the same time, you got enough exposure to expand your connection network, which is very important.
Click here for more Salary & Increment information
Friday, August 1, 2008
3 Creative Zen Player to give away if you feedback the eCareerFair
eCareerFair 2008, the online event University eCareerFair ended successfully on July 31st 2008. There were over 70 organisations recruiting via the eCareerFair portal. To know how your experience has been on the eCareerFair and how they could further improve the services for next year. As a token of appreciation for your feelback, they will be giving 3 Creative Zen Media Players away to lucky respondents. Please reply by Aug 29th 2008 to qualify for the draw. The draw will be done on Sept 15th and winners will be notified via email and phone.
Click to participate in the eCareerFair Survey today!
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